Rating System

 I wanted to design a simple easy to use and familiar rating system that gets straight to the point. Nothing overly complicated and is ready for anyone to use. So for starters, we have a basic 1-10 reviewing scale: 

1 - Terrible: This is an absolute disaster of a movie/show/game that should be avoided at all costs. It has no redeeming qualities and is a complete waste of time.

2 - Very Bad: This is a movie/show/game that is almost unwatchable/unplayable, with very few redeeming qualities.

3 - Bad: This is a movie/show/game that has some serious flaws and is not worth watching/playing unless you are a die-hard fan of the genre or subject matter.

4 - Below Average: This is a movie/show/game that has some redeeming qualities but is ultimately forgettable and not worth recommending.

5 - Average: This is a movie/show/game that is neither particularly good nor particularly bad. It's an okay way to pass the time, but there's nothing special about it.

6 - Above Average: This is a movie/show/game that has some standout elements that make it worth watching/playing, but also has some flaws that hold it back from being great. This is where movies/shows/games should be rewatchable/replayable.

7 - Good: This is a movie/show/game that is well-made and enjoyable, with more strengths than weaknesses.

8 - Very Good: This is a movie/show/game that is excellent in many ways, with only minor flaws that don't detract from the overall experience.

9 - Great: This is a movie/show/game that is exceptional and should not be missed. It's a must-see for fans of the genre or subject matter.

10 - Masterpiece: This is a movie/show/game that is a work of art, leading the charge of its genre or subject matter. It is a timeless classic that will be remembered for generations to come.

After this, we have our scale breakers movies/shows/games that are so unique and they transcend the concept of their own existence in either a good or bad way.

-Negative: On a disaster level so low calling it a disaster would be a gross injustice. Its existence is a problem!

+Positive: Nothing is perfect but this is a masterpiece so grand it could never be replicated, it achieved a once-in-a-lifetime milestone. And is in a category all on its own.

Now we have our out-of-five-star system which I've decided to make reflective to the 1-10 rating system each rate equals half a star (Examples: 3/10 = 1.5 stars | 9/10 = 4.5 stars) 
